Gwyneth Palthrow once said..."Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick."
May I introduce to you... The Lipstick Plant from Malaysia
(It's original native land is our neighbour-country Indonesia)
... tubular flowers emerge from calyxes that looks like lipstick tubes...
... Walla! We have "red lipsticks" ready to bloom...
Red is passion; desires and lust
Red is sexuality; reflections of one's identity
Red is sophistication; one's worldly tastes
Red is all drama; vivid emotional events of one's life
Red is charisma; spiritual and personal qualities
Red is love; deep affections for people around us
These past 2 months have been insane for me. Life has been passionate and fun; wouldn't change that for anything in the world! Work has been barmy; the only thing that I can change is my attitude towards it all. Best thing from my work are my students; totally love them all. Studies has been demanding; I really really really need to improve on my time management...sigh.
Nonetheless...I always have time for a girls' night out!!!
... there is just something about wearing a red, mysterious, and alluring... *giggles*
The pictures in this blog entry was taken using my mobile phone. My family and I took a drive one weekend for fun and landed somewhere outskirts of the city. Enjoyed the countryside and found a small nursery. This was where I saw the Lipstick Plant and was hooked! The "lipsticks" were too fascinating to be ignored.
First name that came to my mind was "Penis Plant"!!! Oh well...
Then, John Bays from London set me straight.
After doing a bit of research, this plant is actually pretty common in my rainforest land. However, I have never seen it before. Guess it is God's way of showing off His wonders in His time as we live our life, or else life would indeed be boring!