This is Comic Fiesta 2019, Malaysia's longest running and most epic comic, manga and cosplay convention. It was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) on 21st and 22nd December.
In all honesty, I walked straight into this event without knowing that it existed! And myyyyyy, was I super glued amidst this unique crowd. Fascinated with their colorful costumes, even so, I was more envious of their confidence and pride in representing their beloved character. It must have cost them a fortune to dress up so meticulously, from the makeup down to the accessories.
The heat did not bother me, even though sweat was trickling down my forehead and neck (ya ya ya, the whole of my body!). I was still adamant to take some photos today although the thick crowd did not make my mission any easier. Regardless of how little I know about this part of society, I enjoyed catching some shots of them. Just took A LOT of patience!
I walked away from this event with a clearer knowledge of who were Naruto, Kakashi and Master Roshi!!!