Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Prickly Pear

Trample over flowers, yet only to embrace a cactus... James Joyce

Hello to all my dear friends and has been a good 3 months since my last post. This is a long overdue post but I am glad that I finally found some time to continue what I had started... to share with the world my love for nature and photography.

Happiness is an attitude...we either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong...the amount of work is the same. (Francesca Reigler)

This year has been a roller-coaster one for me, but in a good sense :) I am where I dreamt to be 2 years ago and thank God, I am my very happy self again. I am now a teacher by profession; loving every minute of sharing life's experiences and guiding our young generation to achieve their goals in their lives. I always tell my students (my kids!!!) that we must set small goals to achieve along our way so that life is more that when we wake up each morning, there is hope and love and smiles.

I drive past these beautiful cactus every day and always, I admire their strength. You see... along with other parts of the world, we have been experiencing stormy days that I thought would never come to an end! These cactus have been standing strong and firm all these rainy months. And...look at them now!!! Beautiful as ever...

By nature we have no defect that could not become a strength, no strength that could not become a defect. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its lust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. Love still stands when all else has fallen. (Anonymous)

The cactus flower is a symbol of maternal love...simply because the cactus is a plant that endures harsh conditions and also thrives; its flowers are symbolic of a mother's unconditional love.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos as always, brightens my day seeing such beatiful shots of nature at its best .Ginger x
