Midvalley Megamall
Beautiful Deepavali Kolam
This year, Deepavali and Halloween fall on the same day, today. There were non stop complaints about Halloween decorations were better than Deepavali’s. Argument was that Halloween is not in our culture so Deepavali should be given priority.
I observed in social media that all major malls did up beautiful decorations for Deepavali. So was it the smaller malls that were the problem? I really think that it is not compulsory for any mall to decorate for any festival. They do it for sales; to attract tourists, to be in social media. Free marketing. That’s all. Nothing more.
We decided to have an “atas” lunch on this Deepavali day just cos we had to be at the mall for personal reasons.
Visited the Travelling Duck to have their roasted duck platter with their famous Irish Silver Duck.
The orang putih duck, I call it!!!