Thursday, December 17, 2009

Colours - Family of Daisies

I just feel like talking about colours and life today. Not about a particular flower but a fusion of beautiful daisies..different colours..different kind of fragrances..attracting all kinds of little "friends" was enough to make me put down my cup of coffee and grab my camera, haha!
Red...although a faded still a very attractive flower. Lil grasshopper has no complaints! I love red...mmm a night of wine and passion.
True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. (William Penn)
Pink...the softer side of red...makes me feel sweet and nice. I especially love the baby pink colour...mmm romantic baby kissesssss!

It fascinated me to see all these little "friends" of nature...grasshoppers, bees, beetles...just resting on their respective choice of flower. It was a windy morning and it took me quite some time to get clear shots of the flowers & insect. I could not help but laugh each time the wind blows and the flowers started swaying...the poor grasshopper was hanging on to dear life!!!
Life...what is life all about? Be still for a minute and think about your life. I keep this saying embedded in my heart..."You only live once but if you work it right, once is enough." Of course during my younger days, I did not think this way. Oh you know...teenagers...we used to think that we would live forever, haha. Now, I see life in a different way. Realizing that life can be taken away from one at any time; no matter where or what you are. So we have to make TODAY count in order not to live with too many regrets in the future.

Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments, and to live each, is to succeed.

Ahhh favourite colour. Many experts confirm that white symbolizes purity and virginity; I see white as a kind colour. I love it because I feel completely loved when someone gives me a white flower. A very true...honest...sweet kind of love.

Orange is a very happy colour to me. It reminds me of a beautiful sunset...a strong colour and yet, sweet enough to give you calmness.
When you have a rainbow deep down in your heart, your smile will shine bright...
Not a care in the world, right at that moment, only to witness God's creations...
Remembering all the little blessings in life, thinking: "I must have did something right!"...
To be alive and free...and hopefully to be someone's inspiration.

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