Monday, May 10, 2021

Shanghai MARRIAGE Market

People's Park, Shanghai

Shanghai MARRIAGE Market

(Blind date in People's Park)

Fascinating! Surprising! An eye-opening tour!
There was an amazing crowd last Saturday. I read about this marriage market and thought that it might be happening any more in this day and age. Yet, still curious, Hubs and I made our way to People's Park. At around 1PM, we entered from another entrance and it was quiet. I was quite convinced that this market is just a myth by now!
So I told Hubs, "Okay...time to hunt for food!"
We decided to walk to the opposite side of the park, to a really good Halal restaurant.

Lo and behold... the market lies right in front of us, going on strong and steady.

It was fascinating to see the amount of advertisements or 'resumes' or profiles written about singles who were in search for a life partner. Not only that, there were also detailed demands and expectations of who they want in their lives. WOW! 

There were people looking after the ads. They were either parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties or agents. 

There was a lady who approached us, asking if we were looking for someone for our child.

There was another man who informed us that there's a foreign section at the market too. He shared with us about his son who is working in America; looking for a Shanghai girl to be his wife. So Dad was at the market looking for potential candidates. He did however mentioned that the success rate is low.

There was also another man who came up to us and told us that this market has been running for a good 20 years already. Not easy to find a partner for your child. It's because looking for a life partner is not as easy as just reading profiles about age and height and qualifications and salary earned. It is about personality and behavior and communication. He also shared with us that one winter's day, he was at the market and witnessed a girl wearing a thin Chinese costume, holding an ad for herself. He approached the girl, asking why would she do this on a cold day. Her mother turned up and told him that she had forced her daughter to do so as she was already past 30 years old. This way, she might have a chance to get married! Goodness!!!

Seemed like parents or grandparents are more panicked about their child being single, and probably an accomplished and capable individual. I believed these seniors still hope and wish for an arranged marriage; an old traditional custom. They are more than willing to chat with you if they find that you are a potential asking you umpteen questions!!!


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