Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Lenggong Day 1

 Lenggong was a pleasant and a little surprising. I did not know what to expect even though I had read about it. In my experience of exploring places in Malaysia, it is best to keep an open and positive mind, and pray that there's good food! 

So, first thing about Lenggong, being a World Heritage Site and all, the Archaeological Gallery was priority. I read so much about the caves but having to get special permission and a week-long wait was not appealing at all. I don't have that kind of time to spare at the moment. I will take what I can get for now. 

The Archaeological Gallery was quite alright although nothing beats getting to visit the actual archaeological sites. However, learning about Perak Man was good. Getting to study more about Lenggong Valley was valuable to  me.

Lunch time! Lenggong is supposedly famous for its Tengalan river fish and fishballs. I decided to try out Chat Sook restaurant which literally means "7th Uncle" restaurant. 

 I noticed the menu and I fainted!

 The boss!
 Fishballs were awesome. Cute and small, but tasty and springy. Yummy!

 Sambal pakis was superb!

 Fish belly! Oh my such great taste!

 Kau Yoke @ Pork belly and Yam

Decided to walk around downtown a bit even though it was drizzling.

 Loved to see clouds covering the hilltop. Reminded me of Ranau, just without the cool air here.

 Look at the pigeon droppings!!!

 A row of seafood restaurants

 The shops here are quite a surprise. They look all neat and tidy from the outside but if you walk to their doorstep, there's all sorts stuffed in one little shop. I remember one shop had Chinese medicine on one side and slippers were sold on the other side. Another shop had biscuits, drinks and hardware stuff!

 An interesting looking old wooden house
This house was unique, a wooden body and a modern garage!
 It was raining so heavily, we could not continue our exploration. I really wanted to walk around the shop and residences. Sigh. 
 On our way back to Kuala Kangsar where we had decided to stay for a night, Hubs saw a Pisang Goreng @ Banana Fritters stall. Supported the cheerful uncle.

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