Monday, May 11, 2020

The Roman Forum

Let's stroll down the road to the Roman Forum!

Human statues came to life!

The Roman Forum
The Forum is one of the best known wonders of the Roman world. The Forum was the main centre of a Roman city whereby it served as a public area in which commercial, religious, economics, political, legal and social occurred. 

An earthquake destroyed most of it in 1349 and it was rediscovered in 1803. Excavations took over 100 years and rebuilding of the Roman structures have been ongoing until today.

It was not a pretty sight although it is rich with history. It is merely ancient ruins and architectural fracgments all over the place.

The Temple of Vesta 
One of the oldest sacred buildings in the Roman Forum. Dedicated to the Goddess Vesta, this temple was home of the Vestal Virgins. These virgins swore a 30-year vow of chastity to honor their goddess. 

Grave of Julius Caesar
This Roman dictator was burned after he was stabbed to death in 44BC.
House of the Vestals
It was under construction when we were there. However, this was the residence of the Vestal Virgins.

The Temple of Saturn
Constructed around 501 and 498 BC, it was an ancient Roman temple dedicated to the god Saturn. Saturn was a god of generation, dissolution, wealth, agriculture and liberation. 

Temple of Castor and Pollux
Castor and Pollux are twins in Greek mythology. They were sons of Leda, Queen of Sparta, and King of Sparta AND Zeus.  As the myth went, Castor was mortal and Pollux was a demigod.  Apparently, Zeus reunited the twins as stars in the sky (Gemini) after their death. This temple introduced the Greek cult of the dioscuri (the twins) into Rome. 

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